The trouble with Golf Balls
We’ve all seen them. Those white round things in the rivers, and lakes. Some of them float, and some don’t. What does it take to get them out of the rivers and do we need to? The estimated number of golf balls in the worlds water bodies is staggering.
Last day to Comment – Trinity Toll Road Please post your thoughts to the link above if you feel the need. The proposed Trinity Parkway project provides little to no relief from traffic problems and will cost well over 1 BILLION and certainly up to 2.5 BILLION dollars.
Keep your America Beautiful
Recently I participated in a litter survey for the Keep Dallas Beautiful and the City of Dallas. While I am that the organizations contacted me to help , I was distressed to see that so little thought is put into the stream based side of trash. How can I say that? Well, the promo material … Continue reading
Let’s Talk Paddling
Welcome to Canoe Adventures Blog pages. Come here to exchange quick ideas on where to go, how to get there and what to do while you’re there. Canoe Tips, Gear questions. You know what to do. Polite is best. We are all here to enjoy the outdoors in a responsible way.