Canoe Adventures

May your portages be short and the breezes gentle on your back. - Anonymous


There are times when a solo paddle, with no others around is what you need to refresh the mind and body. And yet, other times we need to meet up with like minded paddlers to share the moments.

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man and girl in canoe


Sponsor Information

Canoe Adventures is here to get more people paddling canoes for recreation, sport, exercise, and be a part of a community. A community that understands that as part of the paddling experience, protection of our waters ways is key and that protection includes quality and quantity of the water we paddle. One that practices good boating skills, outdoorsmenship, good stewardship of the natural resources and respect for one another.

Here we also believe that less is more, so we will strive to limit distraction from content that matters. That means that ads will be limited and not flashy. If you're on board with that, send us an email and let's talk about placement of an ad to match your contribution. Contributions can also come in the form of content; media clip links to pdfs, video, etc.

This site was launched on May 25th, 2011. Building it will take time and resources. Please consider a contribution to promote Canoe Adventures across North America.

If you have suggestions for contributions to make, content or links to share, please contact us. Now located in Castleton, VT with years of experience in paddling, camping, and outdoor activities.

Eric Neilsen

Canoe Adventures


email your suggestions, and requests to