Environmental Issues
Herbicide use to control Invasives
I’m sure that as a paddler, recreationalist, you’ve come across an intersection of people trying to do the right thing from two sides. Keep a body of water true to its roots and one that evolves into the next phase of an estuary. ProCellaCOR EC is a new herbicide that is being applied to lakes … Continue reading
Just say no to Wake Boats!!
The recreational boating industry has been pushing these “pleasure Craft” for years now. They are OK in very few selected bodies of water. The idea that small lakes are a good place to operate these destructive boats. Lake with fragile ecosystems are not a good place for these. Any lake where loomy , sand soil … Continue reading
River of Shit
This video made back in 2013 still speaks to us today if you care about paddling on a urban river. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUO0VpJ3Pg4&fbclid=IwAR33ydXfO09-ZHS2VpH4x1Fu6fooqYkLsy-BWEDkXcNj3pFKUrgbt0gv2oQ Help your local water shed by bring attention to your issues with the local political process; City Hall, Town meeting, local colleges and universities, etc.
Water Quality Check Points, State of Vermont
Planning a paddle that is just for fun does require a little bit of information. Water quality issues include not only flow rates, but things that might be in the water as well. This site provides a good amount of informational links that paddlers should use before heading out. https://anrweb.vt.gov/DEC/IWIS/ Paddle safe, have fun, … Continue reading
Whata trash or is that lazy customers… Whataburger needs to listen up!!!!
The family owned fast food and fast trash delivery system know as Whataburger has refused to return phone calls to find out what the problem is with their waste bins, customer service, or anything to do with how so much of their food service trash ends up in our rivers and lakes. It is time … Continue reading
Stop the trash before…
Do you ever see the dump trucks come along to collect trash in commercial dumpsters? The forks reach out and lift it high into the air above the truck and transfer the trash inside to the cargo hold? Well do you also see stuff flying out of the dumpster and not land inside? I do … Continue reading
It is time to start a Shame Campaign?
It is time to start a Shame Campaign? Yes, you know the kind. We need to get the distribution of single use styrofoam/polystyrene food container stopped. They litter the US from coast to coast. Organizations such as Keep America Beautiful didn’t even seriously look at our waterways until a few years ago. I tried repeatedly … Continue reading
Oil Spill on Tributary to Caddo Lake
While 1st reports that it was contained and would not make it to the lake itself, reports are telling a different story. http://www.tarsandsblockade.org/caddolake/ http://www.ktbs.com/story/26822583/major-oil-spill-displaces-caddo-parish-families-officials-rush-to-decontaminate-a-4-mile-area http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/nov/1/oil-spill-cleanup-continues-in-caddo-parish/
New Facebook Page…
https://www.facebook.com/BanStyrofoamDallasTX?ref=hl Starting a campaign here is Dallas to remove a large contributing factor to the trash pile. Let’s make this happen.
Water, Olney Texas… Drought is persistent in Texas
Site around water intake cleared out to allow continued pumping for Olney, Texas Duration: 11-27-2013 – unknown Affected Areas Young County; Olney Description The area around the water intake in Lake Cooper was dug out and deepened to allow Olney, Texas to continue to withdraw water from Lake Cooper, which held 24 percent of its … Continue reading