General Conversations
Long Time Gone
It’s been a while since I’ve taken the time to write anything here. Time has a way of slipping by. The biggest thing happening now is an environmental issue on Lake Bomoseen. The Lake Bomoseen association, a private association made up of mostly property owners with lake front property, are applying for a permit from … Continue reading
Vinabond is gone!
While a very useful product, it was discontinued because they just didn’t sell enough of it. I suppose that means it worked too well. Looking fro a new adhesive to adhere d rings to Royalex. I’ll post here when I have info.
Smart Phones and paddling
With the smart phones burning a hole, sometimes literally, in peoples pockets now I suppose I should address their uses to plan and conduct cool paddle adventures. They can be used as cameras, video devices, compasses, first alert weather, devices, etc. Remember however, they do need protection from the element we are out to enjoy; … Continue reading
Moving is a process
I made a major move after nearly 18 years in Dallas, TX I relocated to a rural setting in West Central Vermont. The paddling opportunities are much different than TX. The season is different and the summer day are much longer. This will open up a whole new set of paddling new and information. … Continue reading
Guest Blog Post Here is a blog post that I wrote for the Conservation Law Foundation on the issue of water. Eric
Paddling the Trinity River in Dallas TX
Texas Parks and Wildlife show with the Trinity River in Dallas This shows us paddling the Trinity river from the Hunt Bridge with bits and pieces down toward Loop 12.
Gear Review–Nikon AW120
Shooting high quality pictures while paddling can be a challenge for many. Several years back the Go Pro became all the rage with outdoor enthusiast. I recently decided to acquire a waterproof camera to take both still image files and well as movie files. I opted for the Nikon AW120. I was not a big … Continue reading
So you want to go Camping?
You’ve heard the name, and everyone says, “Oh my, that’s a great place”. So you make a plan to go because the excitement of the crowd makes it sound like fun. However, you’ve never been there and really really don’t know where it is that you’ll be going. So you plug in the name or … Continue reading
Why a paper map still makes sense We’ve heard about it happening all the time; over reliance on technology. As part of any good plan into the wild of outdoors, you should do some planning that includes looking at maps. Sure you can have GPS coordinates but a paper map simply gives you signal without power. It’s always on with … Continue reading