Canoe Adventures

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
    - Haida Indian Saying



There are times when a solo paddle, with no others around is what you need to refresh the mind and body. And yet, other times we need to meet up with like minded paddlers to share the moments.




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Conservation Efforts -TX

A view of the Trinity from the down river put in at the Wave park

The City of Dallas, TX has bought into a new rage; a Standing Wave Park. Unlike the parks in other parts of the state and in the nation, the park in Dallas was built in a section of river that has been classified as "unfit for primary contact recreation " by the State agency, TCEQ, that regulates such things and the EPA. High levels of e. Coli are present in the water. The city has a problem on their hands as the canoe by pass channel is unsafe for recreational paddlers to use. More images from this project can be found at these galleries; gallery 1 or gallery 2. What makes the bypass unsafe? The standing Wave was removed from the Trinity River. Wave Goodbye To The Trinity River's ' Standing Wave' – CBS Dallas / Fort Worth (


Santa Fe Trail with Standing Wave under the Bridge in Distance

Another issue facing Texas and the nation is gas wells. The wells are frac'd, where millions of gallons of water are used to force natural gas to the surface. The problem is that the water is contaminated and can not be reclaimed and there is strong evidence that ground water is getting contaminated as well. read more...

Continued Water Issues in Texas

Learn about water issues in Texas. As well as here, and the current drought conditions. And here is a map to e.Coli reports for around Ft Worth Texas


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